The Boys
Yesterday and today were such special days with my little guys. Things were so harried before the Christmas break with my Dad’s health condition and anticipating Christmas and all it entailed that I hardly felt like I had a chance to just hang out with my babies and enjoy my time with them. They are growing so quickly, and it seems like with each new day comes a new developmental milestone, an extra pound or an inch more added to their height.
It’s hard to go back and try to remember everything, but I’ll start from the most recent and backtrack.
Today, Tate and Julian both woke up around 6:30am. We played on the floor and Tate proceeded to tell Julian that he couldn’t play with his toys. Julian is now crawling (since last week) and he’s becoming more and more mobile and interested in Tate’s interesting “big boy toys.” Uh oh
Daddy made waffles (Tate’s favorite) and we ate breakfast and then got dressed and went to the park to meet up with our German play group. When we got there, we saw lots of friends we hadn’t seen in a while. Tate was very excited to see Elizabeth (his sweet little girlfriend) and they held hands and walked around the playground together. Afterwards, we headed home where we ate lunch and played some more. Julian is now eating 3 square meals a day of puree and I am making his food from scratch. He normally loves eating, but yesterday, he was really fussy due to his two new top teeth, so he wasn’t that hungry. He made up for it today!
I kept reminding Tate that he needed to potty in the big boy potty. We are working on potty training with him, but he still forgets and goes pee in his pull-ups. If he had it his way, he would only go in the pull up and never go on the toilet. The only thing that is working in our favor is bribing him with candy. Once today, when I asked him if he had gone in his pull up, he looked up with a grin and said, “Maybe you’re right.” what a little nut!
After piddling around inside, we headed outside and walked around the neighborhood. Tate wanted to walk alongside the stroller rather than get in. When we got back home, Tate played on the driveway blowing bubbles and drawing with sidewalk chalk while I sat on a chair and Julian slept in the stroller. It was a really nice, relaxing day.
Soon thereafter, we came in and Tate fell asleep on the couch while I attempted to clean the kitchen floor and cook dinner. Julian played on the floor and was rather content. Thank GOD!
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