by Amy | Aug 14, 2012 | Julian

I’m not ashamed of gushing about my kids at all. After all, they are my kids! I just want to take a moment (since I rarely get these) to sit down and write a little about things that have been going on in our lives lately.
For starters, I realized this past week, that I haven’t really catalogued Julian’s milestones lately like I’ve meant to. It’s just been hard to find the time. I guess I really need to get more disciplined about things like this and budgeting. I don’t know why I shy away from the baby books and journals. I really want to keep up with important milestones and pictures, etc…but the time just isn’t there! I don’t know where it goes to be honest.
Anyway, today Julian turned 15 months old. I can’t believe it’s already been 15 months since he was born. I’m more astonished by this than I was when he turned 1 year old. I think the milestones are more drastic. Over the past 3 months, since he turned 1, he has gone from crawling to walking very well. He actually started walking fully around the second week of June. I only know this because he still wasn’t quite there yet when we were up in Kansas City at the beginning of June, but he managed to figure it out the week after we got home. I just never wrote it down. TERRIBLE MAMA!! Not only that, but he has gotten 4 more teeth (all molars) over the past month. I really need to get this stuff written down. When, oh when!?
On top of that, he has been saying lots of words and understanding more and more of what we’re saying. He’s like a little parrot.
He’s so funny. The other day, we went to the park, and he pointed his finger out the window and said very clearly, “Park.” Ummm…yes, you’re right…that is the park! What a doll. Then, that same day, we were walking through the grocery store and I said the word “kitchen” in a sentence, and as plain as day he says, “Kitchen”.
Just so I can make sure I’m on track with his vocabulary, here are the words he can say so far:
- Park (ha!)
- Kitchen
- Finished
- Cheese (with a cute grin)
- Dadddyyyyyyy (very proud of this one)
- Tate (more like, “Datttt”)
- Dog
- Ball
- Book (he likes to say, “Book a book” or “Bookee”)
- Nein (his favorite) or Noooooouuu
- Pa-pa (makes Grandma mad)
- Bye bye (very clearly) with hand waving
- Hallo (very deep voice — with hand waving)
I’m sure there’s more but I can’t think of all of them at the moment.
He also loves to eat. This boy will try anything. His favorite foods are waffles, strawberries, grill cheese sandwiches, quesadillas, chicken, french fries, pizza, blueberries, yogurt, mangos, and the list goes on!
His hair is just gorgeous right now too. He has these long blonde curls. Everyone thinks he’s a girl. lol
Julian Paul is quite the character. He knows what he wants and doesn’t like to let up. He has been fighting back when his older brother takes things away from him, too. That also makes me proud.
The only problem we’re having with him is that he still isn’t sleeping well. This is one reason why blogging is so hard. I would do it every night if I could, but I just don’t have the energy. These boys are tough. Tate is finally sleeping through the night, but it took him 2 1/2 years to do so. I’m afraid we’ve got the same issue with Julian. Drives me bonkers!
Anyway, all that to say, we are just in love with this little guy.
Happy 15 Month Birthday, Julian! You make our world light up with your precious, bright smile and those big cheeks!
Love you love you love you!!!
by Amy | Aug 6, 2012 | mama confessions
Our little family just had one of the best weekends EVER. And you know why? Because it wasn’t about anyone else but us. How often do we do that? Usually our weekends are packed with chores around the house, errands to run and the infamous birthday party to attend. This weekend, we decided to do whatever we wanted to do. We’re not taking a vacation this summer, so we wanted to enjoy our weekend here in town and live life to the fullest. How great did that feel?!
We started out our weekend going to dinner on Friday at Manuel’s (one of our favorite spots) and heading from there to Costco to see one of our favorite employees there — Daryl Mann, the crab guy. He always works on Friday evenings and we have really grown to love him. What’s that saying about how often we go to Costco? lol But seriously, this guy is a GEM! He is a late 50’s and very loud black man who works full time at Costco in their meat department selling fish, lobster, shrimp and crab. But his real passion is preaching at his all black church in east Austin. He invited us to come once and hear him preach, and so we did! It was a real treat! Tate loves him and always asks to go see him. He is truly one of ours. We love him dearly!
The next morning, we got up, ate breakfast and headed out to the Rock’n River Aquatic Center in Round Rock. What a cool place!!! I don’t know why we haven’t been there before, but we had a blast. This will definitely be a place where we return again and again with the kids. They had a lazy river with tubes you could lie on and float. They had water slides and zero entry pools for kids with water fountains and splash pads. And there was a HUGE playscape in the middle of it all with water splashing out of it on every side. It was so much fun! I don’t know that I could ever handle both kids by myself there, but it was a blast as a family of 4. We brought our own lunch in a cooler, so we had stuff to eat. Then, when it was looking like the kids had had enough, we cleaned up and headed home.
Once we got home, we cleaned up, rested a bit and headed back out later in the afternoon to Driftwood, TX to our favorite winery. We knew that they were having a special evening where they allowed people to stay later and watch the sun set, so we packed up and headed there. It was about an hour away, but so worth it. Once you get up the big hill, you quickly notice how the venue overlooks the vineyard and the Texas Hill Country. There were also food trucks there, so we were able to have dinner and drink a nice bottle of Chardonnay. They are actually more known for their Voignet, but it was sold out. Hopefully they’ll have some the next time we go back!
This morning, we got up and went to church and had lunch afterwards. We pretty much did nothing today, but it was still fun and relaxing.
Ahhh…does it have to be over!?
Thank you, God, for this beautiful weekend with my precious family. We needed a stress-free, all about us weekend to rejuvenate and restore us.
Now, what’s on the agenda for next weekend?
by Amy | Aug 4, 2012 | mama confessions
Man, I try so hard not to use this blog as a brain dump or venting session. After all, I have my journal for that. The problem is, I rarely have time to sit and write by hand in my journal, and sometimes, I think we need to let ourselves be more authentic. So…here I am. I come before this blog post and I lay it all out there. This is your chance, if you are less inclined for the deeper parts of me, to run and go read someone’s post on Facebook or Twitter. Or, by all means, write your own post or do something less involved. This post is not for the faint-hearted…in other words.
Well, they say your emotions, your creativity, your perception of life, etc… is most raw when you wake up in the morning. If that’s true, mine are super raw. It is 5:58am as I type this! I was awoken by my sweet boy who needed to nurse and then fell back asleep in my bed. But, I couldn’t fall back asleep with him. My back was killing me and I apparently just have a lot on my mind.
You see, I just had a really awful encounter with my sister this past week. It wasn’t the first time. And it was out of the blue and undeserved. I don’t want to go into all the details, because they aren’t pretty. But what I do want to get out is how this, and so many other encounters with my family, make me feel.
For years, I’ve tried so hard to keep the ties to my family alive — even though we haven’t lived in the same city for over 12 years. Really? Wow! That’s a long time!! If you know me, you know that there’s a HUGE…and I mean HUGE part of me that longs for home and wants to move back, so I can be closer to them and they can know me and my family better. In the back of my mind, I guess I’d like to hope that this would help our relationships with one another and perhaps help me to feel more grounded, knowing that I had my family nearby. They are all pretty tight-knit. They get together for birthdays and holidays still. My parents really know my sister’s kids. They all seem to know what the other person would want for their birthdays and every detail about the other person’s life.
Truthfully, I go back and forth. Sometimes, I feel really glad that I’m far away. When you are closer to your extended family, there’s more opportunity for drama. When I hear about something from afar, it’s much easier for me to block it out and only see the good in my family. (Drives my husband NUTS!) But, somewhere deep down, I’ve always thought that my life would be easier if I could just be closer to them. For one, my kids would grow up knowing them. And more importantly, we wouldn’t be forced to drive 12+ hours to KC every time we wanted to hang out with them. But, I think the bigger reason lies in what I’m about to say.
You see, I’m a misfit. I always have been the odd bird in my family. And I don’t necessarily take pride in that fact, although some might think it’s a virtue. I’m the oldest of 3 girls, and I always just had my own way of doing things that were so contrary to the way my family did things. Maybe part of it was contrived. But, as I look back, I think the biggest part of it was just who I am. I was particular about my room and extremely organized as a child. My sisters were not. Even as a five-year-old, I would have enough sense to think ahead about what I wanted to wear the next day and lay it out on the floor, down to every single detail, the night before. My sisters did not.
As the years have gone by, I became even more of a misfit. After I partied my way through high school and one year of community college while working for various real estate companies and retail stores, I decided I wanted more out of life. Thankfully, I had angels along my path that were sent to help guide me and show me where I was to go. I say that, because I really…
SIDENOTE: Oh my gosh, the funniest thing just happened. I laid my baby down in my bed and put pillows around him next to my husband, so he couldn’t fall out. Well, as I was writing just now, I heard little footsteps coming down the hall. Apparently, he got out by himself (and it’s a high bed) and came in to the living room where I am without even waking my husband up. Little Houdini! lol
Anyway…you get the gist. I went on to study at a university conservatory, decided I wanted to sing classical music, and meanwhile, got my music ed degree. That was, perhaps, the first big indication that I wasn’t like the other members of my family. Somewhere along the line, after a few failed relationships, I realized that I needed to be in charge of my destiny and not wait for Mr. Right to come along and rescue me. I then decided to test the waters and attempt to live in another country and learn the language while pursuing my art. (I’m really trying to wrap this up, but it’s necessary for background info…lol) Before I left to move to Europe, my sweet niece was born. I was so enraptured with love for her, that I almost cancelled ALL plans to move away. It tore my heart out leaving that little bundle of sweetness and moving to a place I had never been with no familiar things or people around me. I wrestled with this day after day, but I knew it was what I had to do for me. I knew there was nothing in Kansas City for me anymore. I knew it was time to move on. So I did.
I spent 4 years in Vienna before finding Mr. Right and eventually moving back to the U.S. Once again, I found myself fighting hard to go back to my roots and touch ground. But it wasn’t in the cards. Something tells me, as much as I longed to be closer to my family, that I must not have wanted it or felt I needed to do it badly enough, because usually, if I want my way, I know how to get it. This time, I didn’t get it. We had both agreed and decided upon moving to Austin, TX to get started. My husband wanted to pursue his MBA at UT, and we both liked the infrastructure of the city and the seemingly endless possibilities for us here.
Over the years, I have continued to pursue the thought of moving back home. My husband has looked into job possibilities there and let his coworkers and manager know that he was open to transfer if the opportunity came about. Especially after having kids, I’ve realized the importance of being closer to family and wanted to, once and for all, make the move.
Last year, my Grandma died. She had been diagnosed several months prior with Alzheimer’s and placed in a home. At that time, it hit me really hard how quickly time was fluttering by and how serious we needed to take this move. But something happened. Something shifted within me after she passed away. I no longer felt like I needed to move back home to be with her. She would now forever be in my heart.
Some things also happened this past year with my parents. My Dad had a stroke and surgery on his carotid arteries at the end of 2011. He has been struggling to get back on his feet financially and trying to get the house they currently live in sold. Meanwhile, my youngest sister has been going through her own string of health problems. It’s all been very disconcerting and scary. I have been up in arms about what God has in store for all of us. And my need to move back became even more urgent.
But then it hit me, what could I do if I were there that I can’t do here? Nothing. I mean, sure, I could go by and see my parents and offer help selling their house or cleaning it out (as my sisters have attempted to do). But, most likely, I’d find myself just as frustrated as they have been with the issue. And who is to say that I’d be happy there, after all? I can’t say that. I wasn’t happy before when I lived there. Why would I be happy now?
Meanwhile, God has really brought me some great friends here over the past couple of years. More and more, I’m finding that I am so content here with my little family and my wonderful friends…and I’d be remiss if I didn’t also mention TEX MEX! But seriously…something has caused me to really take this place a little more seriously with regard to long term. And I like it.
I think deep down, my parents would like to think that some day we will move back there. I don’t really have the heart to tell them that the odds are stacked against it. It doesn’t make it any easier though. They just came to visit and they are never able to stay very long. The drive is excruciatingly long and this time, they did it without a/c in their car. I felt bad for them!
But, I also know that I have to live my own life. While I love my parents and my sisters, their part in my life has diminished as my own family has increased. Now, my responsibilities are to my husband and my kids.
So, why am I posting about all this? Because it sucks! It feels lonely to know that these people with whom you once spent every waking moment, are now part of your past and not your future. I think it’s just now sinking in. Sure, we’ll still see them and make attempts to drive up from time to time. But now, my real investment is in my family here. In this home. In this life. Anything else is hard…unnatural…contrived…draining!
For so long, I’ve wanted both worlds to meld. To mesh. For my former family to be a huge part of my new family. In many ways, they are. In many ways, they are not. For years, I’ve contemplated whether moving closer would help things to mesh a little more, because maybe then I’d feel like things were complete…like things have come full circle. Somehow, in my mind, life might make more sense if my two worlds could collide and be one. I actually envy people who seem to have this. I especially get nostalgic and envious when holidays and special occasions come up and I’m not able to celebrate with both families.
But truly, for me to live my life to the fullest and love my current family as much as I humanly can, I have to get over this. I simply HAVE to! It can no longer be as much as a whimper at the end of my tongue. It has nothing to do with my love for my former family. They hold a very near and dear place in my heart, and they will always be a part of my life and who I am for as long as I live. But, I cannot let their behavior toward me and my new family, their choices, their very real problems, their MO (that currently doesn’t mesh very well with mine) bring me down, affect my moment, my day, my week, my life. In other words, I can love them, from a distance, but I don’t have to like how they act. I don’t have to accept the dance we’ve always danced. I don’t have to let it sink in and grip me and cause me to feel the need for therapy…or for a colon cleanse.
After all, it takes a LOT to be happy and positive nowadays. I need every ounce of energy I can muster to take care of these boys. If something drains me, continuously, of energy and drive for living and doing all the things I’m here on this Earth to do, it has to be, even if only temporarily, put aside…filtered out…laid down to rest. I’m tired. I’m drained. I’m exhausted from the output without receiving any input. I never give to get back, but every now and then, it’s good to get something back…even if only a tiny morsel.
So today, I want to (once again) hug and kiss my children a little harder and hold my husband a little tighter and reach out to those wonderful friends God has placed in my life who love me unconditionally for who I am without requiring me to change for them. I love the quote: “We love those who we understand.” But, you see, family relationships break that rule. With families, we must love because we are blood regardless of understanding. That no worky for me. I need understanding…or an attempt to understand. I need people in my life that are slow to judge but quick to love. And you know what? That’s the type of person I want and hope I can one day be.
We love who we understand, and we are naturally drawn to people who help to validate who we are and/or challenge us to be better people. They say, “Thank God you can choose your friends…” if only for that validation of our person. Today, my heart is open to that validation, that support network, that mutual understanding, that camaraderie that you can only get with family members who strive to know you deeper (beyond the labeling of your childhood and their former relationship with you) and friends who have chosen you to be a part of their lives.
Whew! That was an earful.
The End.
by Amy | Aug 1, 2012 | mama confessions, Uncategorized
OK, I’m a hot mess today! Why does this always happen after my family leaves from visiting? We were just getting over being sick last week when they hinted to the idea that they might be coming in town. The next thing I knew, I was receiving a text message at 8:00am on Sunday morning saying they were roughly 40 miles away from our house!!! Who does that? Not only that, but they just then decided to mention that they were bringing my 11 year old niece. Really?? I mean, I was glad she was coming on one hand, but I was also a little peeved that no one bothered to mention it to me beforehand.
So, they came. They got in around 8:45am on Sunday morning. We had plans to go to church, so we went and came back and met them for lunch at one of their favorite Mexican places right by our house. We ate, we had fun and we came home. Later on, Thomas cooked dinner for us all — a very flavorful gulf shrimp and pasta.
Then, the real shit hit the fan. Thomas started getting sick (again) that night and wasn’t feeling well at all the next morning, but he went to work anyway. We all rounded up after breakfast and went to IKEA. My Mom can roam a store like that for HOURS. My back wasn’t doing well, so it was really hard on me and the kids were pretty tired too, but we had fun and we made it through the store without any major meltdowns. When we got back home, I made some Asian sesame noodles and we all had a nice dinner.
The next morning, I awoke to learn my Mom had been up sick all night. As we ate breakfast, my niece also got sick and they both ended up lying down for the most part of the day. I felt so bad for them. We weren’t able to do much of anything but hang out at the house all day. My Dad didn’t want to risk getting sick, so he took off before lunch and was gone all day. When I got the kids down for their nap at around 3pm, I began making pizza dough for pizzas later. That’s when the drama began.
My sister (my niece’s mother) was writing me text messages and asking about her daughter and how everyone was doing. I didn’t have time to text at that moment, so I wrote her and said I’d call her back later. She was clearly upset by that and began texting me angry messages.
I don’t want to get into all of that, because it’s not worth rehashing…however, it brings up some emotions in me that I want to deal with.
I seriously get almost physically ill everytime my parents come and leave. One reason is because they never tell me exactly when they are coming. They might say something general like, “This weekend…” but I never know when they are arriving until they are in Dallas. This time, it was even later than that. This doesn’t give a person time to shower…let alone buy groceries and get the house ready.
On top of never knowing when they are coming, they like to keep us out of the loop as to when they are leaving. For some reason, it seems like they just get here and are able to rest up from their long trip and they have to turn around and leave again. I don’t really know why that is, honestly. Today, we got up and had breakfast. I was planning on cleaning up a bit and taking the boys and dog for a walk. My Dad acted like he wanted to join us. As I’m cleaning up after breakfast and putting away dishes, my Mom came in and said, “I think we’re leaving around noon.” What?! Really?! I felt a huge surge of emotions take over me. I said, “oh…uh…ok…I was thinking we could go to lunch somewhere and Thomas was planning on taking off and meeting us for lunch or dinner.” I had unconsciously planned our day with them here, and I had to stop in my tracks and change plans. This isn’t easy for me to do — especially when it comes to family.
Truth be told, I’m a planner. I’m not the most organized or well-planned person out there, but I like to know what I’m doing from one day to the next. If I’m really on top of things, I like to know what we’re doing for the entire week, and sometimes I know what we’re doing over the next two weeks or month. I don’t like things sprung on me. I didn’t before kids, and I don’t now. Sure, I can be flexible and go with the flow, but I like to know what we’re doing. I like to have a plan.
So, we took a walk. My Dad went with us. They packed up their car. We met them at HEB so they could get some stuff to take back with them. We went from there to The Corner Bakery and ate lunch. Thomas met us. They got in their car and left for K.C. That’s it.
And you know what? I’m sad. I’m really sad. It takes me a while to adjust to them being here and how they are. But after a day or two, I’m used to it and it works. This time, we didn’t even have that much time. It was so short. And so filled with sickness. And who knows when we will be up there again to see them. I don’t know. I’d like to say we could make it back in a couple months. But, truthfully, I don’t know. I don’t know how we’d get there. Where we’d stay. How we’d cope.
Anyway…slap slap…snap out of it! That’s what I plan to do. I plan to hug my babies a little tighter today and enjoy them. And then, I plan to hug and kiss my man a little tighter when he gets home and just enjoy his presence in my life. These past few days took a lot out of us. And the past couple weeks before that took even more. We’ve been exhausted. We’ve been stressed. And now I just want to relax and enjoy each other…and bask in the love and joy we have as a little family.
The hardest part for me about growing up and growing older is knowing that you grow more and more separated from your own parents as you grow closer to your own children. I wish it didn’t have to be like that. I really love my parents. I miss seeing them more and talking to them. I really do. But, there’s a big disconnect. There are things they do that I simply don’t understand. I feel like everything I do or just my sheer existence and way of doing things makes them uncomfortable.
Anyway…long way of saying, I’m sad. I am fortunate enough to have girlfriends who call me up and pray with me over the phone. I needed it. I love that I have friends who understand my tears as much as they do my laughter.
Thank you, God!
by Amy | Jul 27, 2012 | mama confessions
We’ve all heard of “The Blues”…but I would venture to say that “The Blahs” are perhaps a little worse. The Blahs are ambiguous and meaningless. There’s no reason to feel “blah”…and yet, I do.
Here’s what’s frustrating, to me, about The Blahs. First of all, it makes me feel ungrateful for having down time and being home with my kids. I have no right to be bored with life and yearning for more exciting days, do I?
Well, I’d love to make my first post in TWO weeks be about something upbeat, but my girlfriend challenged me to write honestly today. And this is honest.
As I type this, I look outside my window and my husband is carrying my 14 month old on his shoulders and pushing a stroller with my 3 1/2 year old in it. The dog is following closely behind them. It is a beautiful, sunny, hot summer evening. We just went out for dinner (because I was too blah to cook something). It’s about time for the boys’ baths and bedtime. We’ve had a relatively good day. No major events. No more throwing up (for now).
I guess I need to back up a bit. Our family has been very sick over the past few days. It started with my husband getting sick last Tuesday and it has lingered into this week with my baby still throwing up. We haven’t really met any friends or gone anywhere for a solid WEEK! The laundry has been washed and put away numerous times and the house continues to be in a perpetual cycle from toys everywhere to everything neat and tidy (because being home every second of every day means you have time to put things away). I find myself obsessing, walking from room to room, saying “check” under my breath while I walk in and out of each room assessing the room’s state. Then, I find myself going and checking my computer to see if anyone has written me, but chances are, no one has, so I end up going on Facebook to see if anyone else’s life is more exciting than mine. This lasts until one of my kids inevitably hits or kicks or pushes the other one down, forcing me to get up and take care of the situation and return to checking rooms for untidy-ness.
Today was a particularly difficult day for me in the boredom and mundane department. We still couldn’t meet anyone for a playdate, and I couldn’t hire someone to watch my kids because I didn’t want to take the risk of us infecting someone else with this stomach bug. So, here we were…again. We read books. We sang. We played. They played while I cleaned the kitchen. We watched some shows on PBS. We went to the park. We ate lunch. I waited for them to take a nap. I tried to get some things done on my computer. One of them delayed going to sleep and kept asking me to get him something. Then he fell asleep…finally. I tried to get more done on my computer. The other woke up. I spent an hour trying to improve his mood. The other one woke up after having peed all over himself and the couch while napping. Cleaned him up. Changed his clothes. Cleaned up the couch. Tried to occupy them both until their Dad came home. Blah. Blah. Blah.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I feel like I have to write a disclaimer every time I say anything less than extremely grateful or positive. I love my kids and I love our days together. I know I will look back one day and wish they were this small again. I will remember these times fondly, because they are sweet times. They truly are. But, they are also damn hard times too. And you know what nobody tells you? These times test your sense of self. They try your true identity. And, I think I could get a loud AMEN when I say that they are often times VERY lonely. It’s true. If you don’t have a strong sense of self and don’t know who you are and don’t have a strong support network, these times, when your children are very young, are extremely challenging for most people. Most days, you get by. Other days, you barely survive and thank GOD when you can finally collapse on your sofa with a glass of wine and a piece of fine chocolate when it’s all over. But days like today, you go through all the motions, because you know that you will do the same things tomorrow. You will have the same routine where you will get the kids fed, dressed, deal with meltdowns, attempt to entertain and teach, attempt to do things you need to do, come to the realization that you won’t get much accomplished, feed the kids again, clean up poop, pee, spit up, throw up, snot, toys, wet sinks, dirty dishes, attempt to play with the kids, stretch the kids until Daddy comes home, cook dinner (or not), feed them, clean up dinner, give them baths, read them books, pray, kiss them good night and run through the house picking up toys again when it’s all over.
You cannot wipe the blank stare off your face. It’s stuck there for today. There’s no relief to the blahs other than to hopefully go to bed, sleep it off and wake up the next morning feeling like the tasks that lie ahead are new to the day and the challenges are ready to be taken on. I pray the blahs go away with today. Tomorrow is a new day!
by Amy | Jul 12, 2012 | mama confessions
Call it more sleep…call it summertime…call it coming out of the fog…no matter what you call it, it’s a good thing! Many of you who have followed my (very irregular) string of posts have probably noticed that I’ve been rather dismal over the past few months due to the stress and strain that comes from being a Mommy to two boys…and especially to one in particular who hasn’t been sleeping very well since he was born. In addition to that, though, I’ve also become rather dissatisfied with my work as a voice teacher and have been frantically scurrying to find a waynotto do it anymore. Also, my parents have been going through a really difficult patch in their lives: First, my Dad had a stroke and underwent surgery on his carotid arteries…then their financial problems went from bad to much much worse…and because of all of this, we haven’t really gotten to see them or spend time with them, and I’ve felt helpless and so sad for them. That doesn’t even begin to touch on the fact that I lost my Grandma last September. Man…what a wonderful, but tough year!
Over the past few months, in my (ha ha!) spare time, I’ve been brainstorming, reading books, reading blogs, journaling and PRAYING about what God has in store for me and my family. Was I simply being a whiny, bratty baby who was throwing a temper tantrum because I was too tired? Or was I really going through a crisis and needing to make some major life changes?
I hate to complain. And more, I hate complainers. Especially when that complainer is ME. I am truthfully SO grateful and humbled by the wonderful people and opportunities in my life. I, of all people, should not even think about complaining. Or should I?
Biblically, we are taught to “be content in whatever state we’re in…”, but I have been less than content. Something has been stirring with me, and I have been going crazy to figure out what it was. Thankfully, I am now able to look at things from a broader perspective. While I know that I should be content because God has given me all things, I also know that my need for change is healthy and normal too. If we were never moved to change by discontentment, we’d forever be in the same place in our lives. Boring. And dismal. So, I have made friends with discontentment. It shouldn’t define me. But, I can also embrace it. And that, I have done.
So, I said all that to say…and by the way, there is no climax to this post. This is truly just another rant…but a good one. I said all that to say that I am finally starting to see a clear light at the end of my tunnel. My tunnel was never dark, btw. It was never dismal. It was never desperate. It was just lackluster. It was also a very exhausting, draining tunnel. Navigating days of activities, potty training, nursing, baby book editing (which never happened), cooking healthy meals, trying to save money on healthy food at the store, arranging play time, playdates, play activities, arranging me time, arranging ANY time — all on about 5 hours of interrupted sleep on a GOOD day. That can get anyone down and make them feel a little discombobulated. But the light has arrived. My now toddler has gotten better at the sleep gig. He is doing so much better. There are still nights, like last night, when he was clingy and needy and restless and wakeful and ANNOYING, but those are becoming fewer and farther between. And in the words of Johnny Nash:
I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) Sun-Shiny day.
To get to the point, I am SO so blessed. I have always felt blessed, but right now, I feel extremely blessed. I have such a wonderful husband. He does so much for me and for our boys. He is my rock. He is the most selfless human being I know. He always puts others’ needs before his own needs. I love that about him! Then, I have these wonderful, little, amazing creatures walking around in my house right now. It’s so easy to think that they will always be this way, but I know from experience that they will not. Things change in an instant. They grow. They change. They stop saying words and sentences incorrectly. They stop giggling from the belly and being curious about every little thing. They get taller. They lose that baby fat. So, right now, I’m grateful for the sweet little cheeks…the constant noise…the babble…the fun. It is so wonderful to be a Mommy. It’s something you can never explain or put into words. It is truly amazing! Then, I have this plethora…and I mean AMAZING plethora of girlfriends who I LOVE. They get me. I get them. They are there for me. I am there for them. While I’ve always had great friends throughout my life, I think it is only now that I realize the importance of these friendships which have evolved over time with me. All of my friendships are truly unique and individual. I don’t really and haven’t ever really belonged to a “group” of friends, per se. My friends are all very different. I could go on and on, but let’s just say I am so so incredibly humbled and grateful for them right now.
Unfortunately, there is much more than that to share, but I am going to refrain and get some things done instead. I have just a little bit of time before the boys will be up from their naps and I need to make use of that time.
More later…
by Amy | Jul 6, 2012 | mama confessions, Uncategorized
What a wonderful 4th of July we had this year! There were no burn bans in effect. We even bought some fireworks ourselves! But, most importantly, we were able to give of our time and energy to invite friends over for lunch to BBQ and take food over to some friends’ house who just moved into town. It was completely exhausting, but so worth it! I only wish we would have had a little more down time to enjoy the day together, but I’m so happy we were able to enjoy our day.
Our celebrations started off with us all having dinner on Tuesday, July 3rd and going outside to watch the fireworks in the cul-de-sac with our neighbors Sue Ann, Lee and DeAnna. We are able to see the fireworks display from Avery Ranch. The firework display didn’t last very long, but the boys were so thrilled. Julian was clapping and laughing…Tate was wide-eyed. It was so memorable!
The next day, we got up and got the house ready for guests. It wasn’t easy. Both boys were extra needy and active. Thomas and I were both attempting to wrap up some things — the yard, cooking, preparing the table, etc… and the boys seem to be on a path of destruction. Nevertheless, our guests, Anita and Jan, came and we had a nice time. Shortly after they left, we got ready and headed out the door to pick up Rudy’s and head over to Yasaswi and Dominique’s to welcome them to Austin. Their kids were so cute and our boys just loved them and had the best time.
On our way home, we saw a lot of fireworks from the highway and then picked up some fireworks for the kids to enjoy. There were only a few, but they were really fun and Tate thoroughly enjoyed them. Julian was asleep by then, of course.
All in all, we had a wonderful day! I am finding that the dog days of summer are getting to be more and more fun with these growing, funny, active boys. There is never a dull moment, but we manage to always have a blast. I love my little crew!
by Amy | Jun 30, 2012 | mama confessions
This morning I’m taking Mommy Time. Not to go to the store. Not to work out. Not to run an errand. Not to work. I’m just chillin’ at a cafe and trying to relax a bit.
It’s been a stressful week. And, may I mention that I always hate saying that? Why? Because everyone has stressful weeks. And, because I chose this life. I did. Every ounce of it. And I wouldn’t trade it for the world!
For starters, my boys are getting increasingly more active. They aren’t satisfied with just hanging out at home with Mommy anymore. They aren’t easy to take places either. Everything…and I mean EVERYTHING is a challenge. On most days, I go with the flow and can take it. But there are other, more sleep deprived days that I just can’t. The days in this past week were filled with the ones that drove me over the edge.
So, what does a Mommy do to rejuvenate? I have a hard time buying into the pedicure/massage/shopping bit. I mean, I’m sure those things help, but if I think of every escape as a reason to spend money I don’t have, I won’t do it very often. And truthfully, I’ve found that those things don’t necessarily rejuvenate me, personally. I wish I could be that easily distracted and be able to relax that effortlessly.
For me, rejuvenation is about saying “no”. And, I’ve been realizing that more and more lately about myself.
This whole idea of saying “no” was going to be a blog post in and of itself, but I wasn’t able to write last night…so I’m combining posts.
Lately, I’ve been feeling this tremendous PULL toward doing rather than just being. It happens so unconsciously that I don’t even notice it’s happening. But, because of what I’ve learned, I feel a huge responsibility to my kids to teach them this basic concept that will hopefully help them stay grounded — or at least have a grounded home base to return to — throughout their lives.
I was talking to a wonderful, beautiful friend of mine on the phone the other day about this. We know in our heart of hearts that we need to regularly practice the act of simply being in this world and not constantly filling our lives with things to do. But even those of us who consciously practice with this idea struggle. It makes me see even more how difficult it must be for those who don’t even think about it, but involuntarily find themselves on the hamster wheel.
For me, saying “no” to invitations to go and do even potentially fun things is something I have to consciously and purposely do. It doesn’t take long before my day is filled up with a phone call, a visit to the doctor, a playdate, a trip to the grocery store, a lunch with a friend and getting on the computer. Before I know it, my day can turn from being free and clear to cluttered and stressful. Now, granted, I have to admit that I fall into the category of being smack dab in the middle of introvert/extrovert on the Meyer’s Briggs scale. If you haven’t taken that test, it is very eye opening to how you function in the world. I have found that I function best when I have had time to myself to rejuvenate and clear my head. I always have been that way. Once I have had that time, I can go out and be the life of the party and spend quality time with those I love to be around. But, if I haven’t had that time to myself first, I am a total, discombobulated wet mop and miserable to be around.
So, back to saying “no”. It’s hard to do. I think it is particularly hard for a few reasons. For me, saying “no” isn’t so hard, but I think I do struggle with others’ perceptions of me when I do it. I have a lot of great friends who I like to see and talk to, and my kids like their kids. When I say “no” now, I feel like I not only deprive myself and my friends, but I deprive my kids of interaction with others that they enjoy being around. I also think that I struggle with the perception of being “flaky”. If I say “yes” or even “maybe” originally to something that actually overloads my schedule and causes me stress, I have a hard time backtracking and saying, “Ya know what? I made plans with you, but I’m feeling tired today and need a day to just be home with the kids.” I have the world’s most understanding, down-to-earth friends, but I still feel terrible doing it.
Yesterday, I bit the bullet. I had tentatively made plans with a girlfriend I love spending time with. The problem is, it just didn’t work out timewise with my kids and her’s. The schedules weren’t aligning. We were going to need to accommodate her child’s schedule and drive to the other end of town at a time when my kids normally nap to make it work. Because I don’t see this friend as often as I’d like, I usually try to do what works for her/her child so we can spend time together. But yesterday, I was tired. I was feeling the need to ground myself and get things done around the house. I was feeling the need to pull back and allow my kids to just have a schedule free day. So, after a couple of nail biting hours of contemplation, I called her and said it wouldn’t work. And ya know what? She was relieved because it was going to be hard for her to pull off as well.
The moral of the story is, WHY oh WHY do we feel this compelling need to stick to our word and keep plans? That may be a great philosophy for thriving businesses and high powered officers of state, but is it such a good philosophy for tired Mommies or even women (and men) in the world of playdates and backyard BBQs? Sure, we want to be trustworthy and reliable. Sure, we want people to be able to depend on us and not feel like we are always flaky with plans. But at what cost? Who are we trying to please here?
Have you ever found yourself sitting somewhere with people and thinking to yourself, “I should have just stayed home? Why did I do this to myself? I’m not up for it?” I have asked that many times. And the answer I always have is, “Because I didn’t want to let the other person down.” Truth be told, I have rarely been let down by a person who cancelled and honestly admitted that they just weren’t up for it. Yeah, there may be a slight initial disappointment if I was really looking forward to the meeting or event, but I always quickly regrouped and moved on. That’s just me. I don’t like to ever make people feel guilty for their choices. What I want most for my friends is that they are true to themselves. We have enough obligations in the world — dishes, laundry, taking care of the every day needs of our children, our spouses, working, meeting deadlines and just basic showing up. I don’t need my friends to ever feel like they have to show up on my account.
Some of my best days have come from just listening to my soul’s need for rest and relaxation and taking the opportunity to say “no” to outside invitations — however pleasant and appealing they may sound. I also want my children to learn this. It’s important that they know that their value doesn’t come from being constantly busy. They also need to learn to self-entertain, create and most importantly, just BE. If they can’t learn this early on, they will be ever searching for happiness and not ever able to find it within themselves.
I must say, that I’ve learned the art of being early on. My parents didn’t have the means to take us all over God’s creation for playdates and recreational activities. In the summer, we were lucky if we made it once a week to the pool or the park. Most of our days weren’t planned. They just happened. We would play with our toys, make believe, get bored, build forts, get in fights, tickle each other, make up songs and all of the other things kids do.
I’m not saying that is a bad thing to have planned days. I wish my parents would have planned more of our days and instilled in me a better since of planning ahead and having a structured day. It’s good to have structure and some thing that children (and you) can look forward to. But, must we do that ALL the time?? Current society tells us “yes”. We need to have things going on. For if we don’t have things going on, the kids will get bored. We will get bored. We will go crazy. The kids won’t have enough enriching things to do and will risk learning all that they can possibly learn by the right age. This just simply isn’t true.
I want to encourage myself and others out there to stop the madness. Let summer be summer. Just BE.
by Amy | Jun 25, 2012 | mama confessions
After another long interlude, I am back! And I am oh so frazzled. How does one get organized and stay organized? I ask myself that every day! How do YOU get organized and stay organized? I’d like to know if someone out there manages it.
I’ve always said, I have never been middle of the road at anything. I’m either a smooth running machine who brings home the bacon and fries it up in the pan and never never lets you forget you’re a man (sorry…had to resort to that 80’s commercial)…or I’m a total, complete TRAIN WRECK! Now, I’m not saying that I am on the train wreck side right now, but I’m not functioning at full speed, if you know what I mean. I mentioned to a friend the other day that I always seem to feel like I’m just a step behind the beat. And, if you’re a musician, you know that ain’t a good place to be in.
Maybe my expectations are just a little too high for myself right now. Or are they? I don’t know how people manage sometimes when I look around me. Are they burning candles at both ends and just have good undereye concealer? Or are they lying?
OK…so, you’re probably wondering what I’m frazzled about. Well, truth is…everything! I just realized tonight that I hadn’t even been online to check my bank account in a LOT of weeks. Who doesn’t check their bank account? Not only that, but I haven’t managed to enter in anything in my kids’ baby books in MONTHS! Which means, I’m going to have to backtrack and LIE. Hmmm…let’s see…I think he got his cuspids in at 9 months…that would mean it was February…hmmm…yeah, February 14th…wait, no…that was Valentine’s Day…what did I do on Valentine’s Day? I guess nothing because I can’t remember it. Oh yeah…my baby’s teeth…yeah, let’s say he got them in February 28th. Yep! That sounds good! Seriously.
And as if Facebook doesn’t have a way of rubbing it IN YOUR FACE that you’re behind the beat…now, we are blessed with a wonderful new time wasting machine called pinterest. My sister invited me the other day, and after spending about 10 minutes on there, I started feeling like the world’s biggest LOSER. It all started with this table I liked that someone had stenciled in paisley and then stained over. So, I clicked on the picture to see a bigger version of it and was diverted to this woman’s blog. I started reading the blog and looking at all of her other cute projects and realized that this woman was probably about my age with a 2 year old and a tiny infant. The reason I noticed this was because, in all of her project pictures, the kids were somewhere in the background playing with the glue gun or dowel rods she was using for her current project. My first thought was, “Wow…she has two kids under the age of 3 and she does artsy, crafty, creative projects and has time to BLOG about them!?? What the HELL am I doing with my day?” Then, I thought, “This woman is insane.” Then I started lamenting the fact that I used to do projects and dreaming up fun creative projects I should do soon. Then, I started feeling overwhelming stress about how I was going to finish the projects with the kids around. Then I decided to go have a glass of wine and try to forget about the prospect of ever doing a project again until the kids are in college. Ha! So sad. But so true.
Seriously though…are all of these social media sites (as well as parent magazines) just trying to torture us? I’ve had egg whites sitting in my fridge for a week that I would love to make macaroons with. WHEN!? I can hardly keep my veggies from going bad. I would oh so love to free up some space and time, but I don’t know how it’s possible. This weekend was supposed to be a relaxing, uneventful weekend. I was so looking forward to it. We had NO plans for once. I was happy thinking about all the things I would tackle and complete — changing my phone number over to my cell, installing all the programs that were on my old pc to my new one, laundry washed and folded and put away…macaroons made (lol)…baby book updated. Whatever. Here’s how it went down:
Friday: Finally schedule a babysitter to come and watch the kids while we go out for dinner. It was great. Drank a little too much wine. Ate a little too much. Needed it.
Saturday: Friend who is moving here calls from NJ to ask if we can take her husband out and show him around town. We, being the hospitable people that we are, were thrilled to have him over and show him around town. Didn’t get home until almost 3pm. Boys were exhausted. Naps were thrown off. We were exhausted. Nothing was accomplished. Leftovers from the past 4 nights for dinner. Went to bed early.
Sunday: Slept in a little. Thank you JULIAN! Got up and made cinnamon rolls (from a can). Got a call from my girlfriend in Vienna (who I haven’t talked to in weeks). Couldn’t talk because we were getting ready to eat breakfast. Decided we wanted to try out a new church. Attempted to get ready for church as my 3 1/2 year old chased the dog with pillows from our bed while screaming at the top of his lungs. Turns out, anytime we give him even remotely too much sugar, he FLIPS OUT! Note to self. Went to new church. They were having a celebration Sunday where the pastor wasn’t there and it was all music dedicated to Independence Day. Figures. Happens every time we go to a new church. Meanwhile, girlfriend called me back and I wasn’t home to take her call. Went to lunch at a place where kids eat free on Sunday. Neither child ate anything on their plate. We both got sick. Hoped and prayed both kids would fall asleep in the car on the way home from lunch. They didn’t. Took turns on the toilet (I know…TMI). Watched t.v. and skyped with Tom’s parents. All of us took a nap (at 3:30). Woke up at 5pm from nap to find that my son had fallen asleep on the couch and peed through his clothes and couch cushions. Had to wake him up and take him in the bathroom to strip him of all his clothes and hose him down (SCREAMING AND CRYING). Stripped the covers off the couch cushions. Wiped down the cushions with peroxide and water. Did a load of laundry. Made dinner. Ate dinner. Cleaned up after dinner. It is now 7pm at this point. Thomas takes boys outside with him so I can get some things done. I hurry (as usual) to get my things done and go back outside and to find that he’s pissed and frustrated because he can’t get his things done in the yard with the boys out there. I take the baby inside with me and try to finish what I was doing to no avail. Give boys a bath. Sneak out while Thomas finishes bathing them to finish up what I was doing, but hear screaming. Go in to help him get the baby’s pajamas on and get the baby put to bed. End up reading books with both boys and keeping one from jumping ship. Take baby and put him to bed. It is now 9pm. How did this happen? Where did my day go? Where did my weekend go? This is the same story every weekend. How do other people have time to do projects?
OK…so, I’m really not complaining here. I have said it before and will say it again: I LOVE MY LIFE! I really do. I just wish there was some balance to it, ya know? I’m finding this whole balancing act to be a little, well, exhausting. And truthfully, there’s NO time for creativity, recreation, hobbies, fun. I wish there was time. I would be doing it if I even had an inkling of time and energy. But, henceforth (I just had to use that word), I don’t.
So, here I am. It’s 10pm and I’m gone with the wind, but dadgummit I’m going to blog whether or not it KILLS me.
Hopefully, things will start to look up. Hopefully I can find a way to get my life back a little and start doing at least some of the things in life I love to do. In moderation, of course. Hopefully, I can find some balance and in so doing, find a way to soak up the wonderful, fleeting moments with my children and still feel fulfilled because I’m also feeding myself. Right now, these possibilities seem like leap years away. But, I know with some creativity (and sleep), I will find a way to make time for myself again.
Over and out.
by Amy | Jun 14, 2012 | mama confessions
Well, after another long hiatus, I am back in business and trying to get my life somewhat organized so I can start blogging (and hopefully doing other things I want to do) again.
How are you? I always feel like blogging is such a one-way street. I’d love to hear more from people who actually read this crap I write. Not that I think what I write is crap, but I’m sure it is to someone else who is blessed not to have to be inside my brain.
Well, I ended voice lessons (thank GODDDDDDD!) at the end of May, and we promptly headed up to Kansas City for a few days so I could sing in a friend’s wedding and see family. It was a whirlwind trip, and I was so sick the whole way up there and back that I thought for sure I might be pregnant again. Once I got there, my sisters informed me that there is a “bug” going around that makes you feel like your pregnant x the power of 10. At first you start feeling crampy…then, you’re a little nauseous…then you start feeling like you just might hurl…then you start feeling achy and feverish and you get chills. Then, you just go back to feeling crampy again. We all had it. It felt like the worst (and dumbest) virus I’ve ever had. Turns out, THANK YOU JESUS!, I wasn’t/am not pregnant. Whew! The thought makes me want to hurl!
So, now we’re back and once again, I’m just really trying to make sense of my family’s somewhat desperate situation and figure out where I fit in and how I can help. The truth…and what I’m learning every day is that you can’t help people who don’t want to be helped. No matter how hard you try. I want to do something…anything…that will make their situation easier. They are my parents, after all. They took care of me and raised me. How can I not help them? But, what do you do when people literally refuse your help?! I feel like my hands are tied, and yet, I don’t know how to just sit still either. This is a real test of my own personal faith. I hope and pray that God would just deliver them from the house they’re in…help them get into another, more liveable house and move them to sell all the stuff they’ve accumulated over the years. I also pray that my Dad would find a decent part time job and get some debt paid down. Oh my LORD!! Just thinking about all of this makes my stomach turn. I am sick with grief. Physically ill from it. I’m so tired of other people’s problems consuming me. But these aren’t just other people. These are my parents. I love them. I would do anything for them — if only I would be allowed to.
Well, on some other positive notes, I feel like some fire is really lit underneath my evergrowing ars. When I ended my voice lessons in May, I literally washed my hands of ever having to teach anyone I don’t want to teach AGAIN and saying goodbye to stage mothers and kids who are snotty and impolite and lack motivation or ambition. This sounds so harsh. Believe me…I can only imagine how bitter I sound. I used to LOVE teaching. Love it! I worked hard to hone my skills, and I feel I have pretty mad skills when it comes to teaching. But, Oh MAN!…I’m so done. So done. And I’m on to bigger, brighter things. I hope.
For starters, I accepted a position as Children’s Choir Director at my church, First United Methodist of Round Rock. I had been the children’s choir director at another church downtown, Central Presbyterian Church, but the drive was too long and the program was going to take a lot of man hours and energy to build. I tried it for a few months, but it was just too hard to keep up and I was missing going to my church with my family. So, I accepted this position and I can rehearse the kids when I want to rehearse them every week and they will provide childcare. PLUS!
In addition to that (as if I need an addition to that), I have started taking on corporate clients and offering voice coaching for businesspeople who do a lot of public speaking. I am super excited about this, because it is something different than what I’m currently doing, but it combines all my skills and pays much more than what I earn teaching. I’m not sure how it’s going to play out, but I’m very excited.
In general, a lot of really positive things are happening in my life — not to mention, my two beautiful boys who grow and change every single day, my amazing husband and my wonderful family and friends. I feel so blessed. Mainly, I feel blessed because God is showing me all the endless possibilities of what I can do and he’s giving me the creativity (despite the continual lack of sleep and time) to do those things. Life is good.
On the other hand, however, I still really struggle with what is going on back home. I try hard to separate myself from it and try to just be happy (because I need to be for my kids), but I still worry a lot and hate that I can’t wave a magic wand.
It’s so true that life is a huge mixture of amazing peaks and devastating lows that sometimes occur simultaneously.
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