by Amy | May 22, 2012 | mama confessions
Over the past few weeks I’ve been struggling to figure out what it is that is stirring so strongly inside of me. My head is reeling with fragments of ideas and creative whims that I just can’t seem to shake, and yet, as luck would have it, I don’t have the chance (or the energy once I get the chance) to explore and find out what my intuitive side is trying to tell me. I’ve blogged and journaled and prayed many times about this crux – the feeling of needing to do something and the inability to actually do what it is I most crave. As a mother, I actually feel guilty for even having such whims. What is wrong with me? Why don’t I want to sit in parks and discuss the ins and outs of my children’s daily routines and eating preferences? Why can’t I be happy with seemingly endless days of playing with trucks, reminding my oldest to gently “roll the ball” rather than throw it with his very strong right arm, tickling the fat rolls on my baby’s legs and taking walks around the neighborhood with our dog leashed to the double stroller? Why do I have to have something else (as if I need MORE things to do) stirring inside of me?
Lately, my days seem to be spent trying to find that 5 or 10 minutes here and there to just get a moment alone to brainstorm, read something that inspires me or clear my head. My rational side tells me this is counterintuitive. I need to just accept that right now, I’m a Mom and I don’t get to have a life outside of that. Plus, even if I were that frivolous, when would I have the time to explore and expand upon all that my tired little brain is thinking up?
Earlier, before I had kids, I would have called my predicament something like “martyrdom”. I hated hearing women/men complain about something they had consciously chosen. I still don’t like hearing someone talk about something they have inevitably brought upon themselves. I’ve always hated hearing that people are “crazy busy” as if that were a bad thing. Aren’t they in charge of their schedules? I equally dislike hearing about someone’s job they hate or weight they can’t seem to lose or husband they can’t stand. We all have choices, right? You betcha!
I don’t think anyone who chooses to have kids consciously thinks, “OK…I will now have to put my life on hold for a few years and be completely content to not have any goals other than getting the laundry done, the dishes unloaded from the dishwasher, the food prepared for dinner and keeping the kids happy.” I think most of us think we can have it all. I certainly did. I certainly do. I just need to figure out how that’s accomplished. And I haven’t quite done that yet.
Right now I’m reading a book called “The Fire Starter Sessions.” Actually, I’m reading several books as I look over at my nightstand. I am also reading the book, “Raising Happiness” and some other book about scream-free parenting. ha! As you can see, I’m not reading any fantasy novels. Nope. No sir! I have to read books about how to be better at things than I already am. I need to read books that help give me a different perspective or a different way of doing things…a better way than I’m currently doing them. I’m a knowledge seeker. I get turned on by more information. The library and Barnes & Noble get me all hot and bothered. I can’t think of the last time I actually read something for pleasure. In fact, I think all of my books are resources. Gee…I need help. Good thing I have plenty of self-help books!
Well, the point of this post is that my head is spinning and I need to resolve whatever it is that is causing me to be unsettled. The irony in all of this is that I used to be able to take a hot bath, write in my journal, do some brainstorming exercises and read some helpful books to get these things out of my system, and now I have no time to bother with any of it.
My current MO is to delve deeper into being a loving wife and a caring, patient, kind mother, a great teacher to my kids, a kick ass cook of all things kid friendly and yummy and healthy, a good friend and sister and neighbor, and then, when I have half a brain in me and some extra seconds in my day, to jot down ideas or thoughts as they come to mind. If I try to be any more ambitious than that, I find myself spiraling down a steep slope of crazy.
Today, through my reading and some brainstorming (while both kiddos were asleep – all of 10 minutes), it became clear to me that what I want most in my life is authenticity. I don’t want perfection. I gave that up a long time ago. I don’t even want more than I already have. We are blessed with so much as it is! What I most want is for my life to reflect what it is I love most. I think it does for the most part. And I’m grateful for that. I don’t have the urge to keep up with anyone – especially the Jones’s. I don’t need for my house to be sparkling clean because it won’t be for many years to come. I don’t need more of anything. All I really want is to live in the present, able to embrace this fleeting moments, to act on my values and create and love and be ME. I don’t want to ever apologize for the person I am and what is important to me.
My mantra for this week: Be at peace where you are. Love the life that is yours and live it to the fullest.
by Amy | May 21, 2012 | mama confessions, Uncategorized
Man, I’m hoping to start getting back to blogging soon…along with entering things in the kids’ baby books and journaling…oh, and working out and doing our family budget.
by Amy | May 14, 2012 | mama confessions
I am pooped, but I wanted to quickly get on here and wish everyone I know a very Happy Mother’s Day! Today was really special because it was also my son’s first birthday in addition to Mother’s Day. We had so much fun together, but I’m exhausted. Oh, and there he is…just woke up again!
Ugh…hope this is not one of those nights.
by Amy | May 13, 2012 | Julian
Dear Julian,
I just wanted to take a moment to wish you a very Happy 1st Birthday! Wow! I can’t believe you’re already 1 year old! Time flies so quickly. I remember vividly the day you were born. I went into the hospital around 6am on Friday, May 13th, 2011. I was given petocin to induce labor shortly thereafter, and you were born at 1:21pm. I barely had any labor as you came with only 3 pushes in 10 minutes. It was so quick! And you were so beautiful. You had lots of hair and were so alert and peaceful in my arms.
Though this year hasn’t been easy with two boys, it has been full of so much love and joy — more than I could ever have imagined. Your presence in our family is such a beautiful one. You are so sweet and funny, too. Your laugh is infectious. Your smile lights up a room. You have a charm in your eyes that just makes me stare at you in amazement.
From the time you were born, you always snort when you are upset and crying. It’s really funny, actually. That’s your trademark. As you’ve begun gooing and cooing, you have developed your own language which sounds a lot like yodeling. “Doodle…doodle…doodle…etc…” as you learn how to roll your tongue back along your top teeth. You say “Dada”, “Tate”, “do-do”, but you still haven’t managed “Momma”. Oh well, I’m not too hurt.
Today, on your 1st birthday, you took 2 steps on your own. You were so proud of yourself. You have been attempting to stand on your own for some time now and you are so close to walking. It’s just a matter of days. Uh oh! I better watch out! You are already into everything. Our lives are getting ready to change BIG time!
Yesterday, you had a birthday party with some of our friends and neighbors. You were so cute. We sang happy birthday and put the cake in front of you, and you were so hesitant and careful at first. Then, before we knew it, the cake was everywhere. You were so interested in that cake that everyone else had already eaten and gone back into the other room, and you were still sitting there long afterwards with your spoon still in hand.
Julian, I am so happy to be your Mom. I couldn’t have had a better Mother’s Day today and shared it with your birthday! We had the best time. You and Tate and Daddy went to church with me so I could teach the choir. Then we went to Home Slice Pizza where we had really good pizza and you and Tate played with dough balls. Then, we came home and everybody had a long nap. I can only hope that you both stay sound asleep all night tonight. I need a good night’s sleep — for once!
You are such a sweet little man. Keep smiling and lighting up our lives with your presence!
We love you so much!!!!
Mommy, Daddy, Tate and Casi
by Amy | May 8, 2012 | mama confessions
Well, I’m coming out. Out of the fog, that is. At least temporarily. Despite a few less than ideal mishaps with my oldest son today (potty training, temper tantrums, strange clingy-ness), we had a wonderful day that I always want to remember and look back on. We started out the day slowly with me cleaning out my purse. I know…please go on, right? Well, God only knows how long it’s been since I’ve taken the time to clean out my purse and throw things away and heavens, it needed it. While I was on that wild roll, I decided to go ahead and sort through our kitchen “inbox” filled with mail, papers, receipts, ads, coupons and random crap. This left me feeling a bit more on top of things and I was even able to make a list and actually fill out the paperwork for Tate’s preschool and get it in an envelope to mail (although I haven’t mailed it yet). On top of those amazingly interesting accomplishments (ha!) I was able to fill out an RSVP for my girlfriend’s wedding and actually put it in an envelope and stick it in my purse to mail. It was due at the beginning of April, but hey…whatevs! She knows I’m coming because I’m singing in it!
Hold on while I sip some tea.
OK…I’m back. Damn that’s good tea!
Well, I apologize (although not really) for the long hiatus. I haven’t meant to take such a long break from writing, but I just haven’t been able to pull myself together and organize my thoughts enough to write them down. Truthfully, I’m behind on EVERYTHING in my life. I just got done putting laundry away that has been folded and sitting in a basket in our room for nearly two weeks. When I started putting it away tonight, I realized that most of it is laundry that I had washed from our trip to Austria and we’ve been back from there almost a month! Is that even possible? Time flies! But, that is just how behind I am on things.
Speaking of time flying by, my little guy, Julian, is about to turn 1 this coming Sunday!! I can’t believe he’s already a year old. It doesn’t seem possible! Where did this year go?!! Well, I’ll tell you that I honestly don’t know, because I haven’t been in a clear, rested state of mind since he got here. I love that little guy, but he has given me a run for my money in the sleep department. I think this is why I’ve felt like I was in such a fog for so long! He’s doing better now and sleeping for longer stretches than he was for a while, but nights can still be rough with him which makes my days of trying to function really rough. Other than that, he’s such a sweet little guy. He is talking a lot and trying to walk and stand every chance he gets. It’s so amazing to watch their development.
So, back to the day we had. After I got all organized, I fed the kids and we headed out to run errands. First we went to get my car inspected and then we went to Walmart to pick up some birthday party items for Julian’s party on Saturday. Even though I knew they were tired, the boys did a great job and stuck it out til the very end. When we left Walmart, Julian immediately fell asleep in the car and I took Tate to get some ice cream. I parked the car and he sat in the back and ate his while I ate mine in the front. It was just our little time of eating ice cream together and it was so fun! He was super excited about a bicycle with training wheels that he saw at Walmart and rode through the store. And he was telling me about all the things he will ask Santa for. He was very chatty. But as soon as we pulled out of the parking lot, he too quickly fell asleep.
When we got home, I brought them in and put everything away and laid down myself. I rarely do that, but today it just felt like the right thing to do. I so needed that nap! When we all woke up, Tate had had an accident in his pants so we changed his outfit. It didn’t frustrate me. I just changed him. About twenty minutes later, I looked up at him and he was making a strange face like something was happening, and when I got to him, he had had another accident. I quickly took him to the bathroom, and again…I wasn’t too frustrated. Puzzled, yes. Frustrated, no. I was rested. I started making dinner while the boys played underneath me on the kitchen floor. Normally, that would bug me because I tend to get a little nervous when I try to prepare dinner — especially by that time of day when I’m tired. But tonight I wasn’t tired. I felt relaxed and the boys were relaxed too. As we were eating a thunderstorm began and we were able to hear the thunder and see lightening and go outside and feel the wind and rain coming through our neighborhood.
Anyway…I know I’m rambling. I guess I don’t have a point other than to say that I am grateful I had a day where I was able to rest and enjoy my kids with a clear, rested state of mind rather than a frazzled, tired, running on fumes state of mind…and, it felt really good! I don’t want to jinx myself by hoping for more nights where sleep isn’t a problem and days where we can leisurely nap, but I really do hope I can get that. Our family really needs rest.
Today made me realize all that I am capable of doing when I feel good. I can clean out my purse, throw junk mail away and sort through our basket of paper while playing with my kids on the floor and enjoying their little laughs and watching them play. I can get the car inspected and go to Walmart with a LIST! I can make a pizza from scratch with yummy ingredients. I can walk outside with my kids and enjoy the rain. I can put my kids to bed and still have enough juice leftover to put clothes away and pick up around the house…and perhaps even BLOG! I like this. I could get used to this. I hope that we’ve turned a new corner and that peaceful nights of sleep and restful days are in our future! Crazier things can happen. One can at least dream!
by Amy | Apr 16, 2012 | mama confessions
I’ve taken a rather long pause from blogging over the past few weeks as we have been out of the country and I haven’t had a moment to spare…let alone, to blog. I have really missed writing, though. I have missed it so much that I have begun small attempts at tracking my thoughts and reactions to all the different surroundings I’ve found myself in…but, alas, I haven’t been able to finish those thoughts in order to actually publish a post! This past weekend I even went as far as to record myself talking, since I couldn’t find a moment to sit down without a little guy tugging at my pants. Even through recording myself, I ended up having to cut my thoughts short several times and finally gave up! : )
Anyway…here is my post. Let’s hope I finish it and can actually publish it — today!
Our family just returned from a two week visit to my husband’s hometown, Moedling, just south of Vienna, Austria. We had a lovely time, albeit EXHAUSTING and mentally DRAINING! No seriously. It was a beautiful visit, and I am so grateful that we did it. At some point, when I’m more focused and well-rested, I will post some favorite pictures from the trip and give a little insider scoop or memoire about what we did. For now, however, I would like to attempt to regurgitate my observations and thoughts before, during and after this excursion and find a way to make sense of it all in my little, tired head.
We all experience some sort of renewal after a vacation, don’t we? Whether it’s taking a step away from the mundane and rethinking ideas or giving our brains a little bit of a rest from the decisions we are constantly faced with, it is refreshing to take a break and experience a different change of pace. This always happens for me when I go out of town or get away for a few days. I come back and have so many new and refreshing thoughts and perspective about how things are and how things should be in my life. This trip was no different and it actually shed some light as well as brought up new questions about how things are currently functioning (or not functioning) in my daily life.
Before I left, I was talking to a woman over the phone about redesigning my logo for my business. This brought about all kinds of questions and realizations that I wasn’t quite expecting. In the end, we decided to take a break and it left off with me taking this trip and regrouping when we got back to discuss things further. However, now that I’m back, I have even more questions about what I want my business to look like and what I want to do with it, or if I even want to do anything with it at all. My head is literally spinning. The challenge here is, my head is spinning but with even less insight and focus than it was before I left, and I don’t really have the time or energy to think about it and figure it out anymore.
Not only am I realizing that I can’t really focus on my business right now, but I’m realizing how good it felt to just be with my family and not have to think about it at all. I also realized how easy it is for us to overextend ourselves, and how it may be possible that I have done that by accepting this children’s choir director job on top of everything else. Part of me feels really irresponsible for feeling so ambivalent about it all. The other part of me feels like this is the answer I’ve been looking for. It’s simple. But, sometimes we overlook the simple.
For some time now, all I have been feeling, with regard to duties and responsibilities outside of motherhood, is dread and disdain. I love being a teacher. I really do. I love that I am fortunate enough for music to be such a huge part of my life and that I am able to share it with others. I love that I can teach out of my home and stay close to my kids. Most people might think, “She’s got it made!” For this reason, along with income and needing to feel like I’m still earning money, I have chosen to continue working, even if only part time, while raising young children. With one child, this always seemed doable. It was hard at times, but it was manageable. With two, it is nearly impossible. It has taken me all of my youngest son’s 11 months of life to realize that I am in over my head. Now, I am raising a huge white flag and surrendering.
If anything, this trip has caused me to take a step back and reconsider how I’ve set up my life. Do I really need to be teaching right now? How is it serving me? How is it serving my family? How is it serving those I teach? What is my Hauptziel or main incentive for teaching? Money? Recognition? A break from my kids? All of those are valuable reasons, but is the reason outweighing the difficulty of trying to do it? In other words, is all of this worth the enormous effort it is somehow inflicting? If I weren’t teaching, how would we manage financially? How would it change my overall thought process about how I go about my day? My week? My month? Would I really miss teaching and have to figure out a way to do it? Would I never look back again? Have I outgrown it altogether and need to search for a different profession? Or maybe…should I at least consider changing the way I’ve been doing it? Is there a way I can reinvent how I teach, when I teach and who I teach that would make it work better for me and for my family? Do I want to stop teaching altogether and pursue something totally different? How much more time and effort would pursuing something else mean for me and my family? Would it be worth the extra effort? Would be something I should put on the backburner until I have more time and energy to focus on it? Will putting it on the backburner make it never happen? Will someone else take my idea and beat me to the punch before my kids are old enough for me to try it out myself? How much would our family be set back if I didn’t teach at all or try out a new business? Would being a 100% stay at home Mom make me crazy or would I really enjoy not having anything else to think about except my husband and children?
Truth is, the more questions I ask, the more I am faced with. I am not getting any clarity at this point about what I should be doing, so it looks like I just need to sit back and wait for an answer to come to me while I readjust to the different time zone. However, I’m not feeling at ease with continuing what I’m currently doing for much longer. As I drove to my job at the church this morning, I kept thinking, “You know, Amy…you can always just turn around and go home.” But, I never did. When I commit to something, I commit. Whether my heart is in it or not, or whether I want to be there or not, I will be there. But, the thing is, I want to be able to just say, “Well, I tried this and it didn’t work.” I want to be able to just take a step back and breathe without feeling like I’m letting down a lot of people in the process. Is that ever possible?
Well, I will wrap this up tonight as I am just beat and need to rest. I will try to get back on here tomorrow and continue writing and ranting until this all resolves in my head. Maybe sleep will help it all come together. Or not.
Here is a link to our web album from our recent trip!
by Amy | Mar 24, 2012 | mama confessions, Uncategorized
This week has been another developmental milestone for both of my boys.
For starters, Julian now has 8 teeth and counting…he wants to have a full set by his first birthday and he might make it! He is continuing to pull himself up to everything and stand. He sometimes puts one leg off to the side in order to have more balance and grasp things that he wants to play with. It’s funny to watch him do this, because he just seems like he’s trying to be so cool.
Not only that, but he is into everything and is starting to throw little (big) temper tantrums when he doesn’t get his way. WHOAH! Who did he get that from? He gets downright mad when he is not able to do what he wants to do and play with what he wants to play with. He has been told he can’t have things for much too long. Watch out, Tate!
Yesterday, he threw a fit on the changing table. He doesn’t generally like to have his diaper changed anyway, so I always have to give him something to occupy his attention. However, yesterday, he was completely mad at me for putting him down and let out some yells directed at me and hit his hand on his leg to show his anger. I think we have yet to see what this guy is made of! : )
Mommy has been ultra fed up lately with Julian’s lack of sleep or, should I say, sleep patterns. He takes 2 to 3 little naps throughout the day and acts tired and cranky quite a bit. Then, at night, he is already ready to go to bed by 6:30pm. Problem is, if I let him go to sleep that early, he will usually wake up within the hour to be nursed and put back to sleep. This pattern goes on all night until finally, during one of his night wakings, he is completely awake and aroused and ready to play. This has happened quite often lately and it’s making me crazy! We are such a sleep-deprived family right now, it’s not even funny anymore.
Oh well, we love him anyway : ). Today we went to the park and he played outside like the other kids. I need to start remembering to bring his hat (whether he wants to wear it or not) and slather both Julian and Tate with lots of sunscreen. It’s already heating up and I have to protect those sweet little faces!
Later on, after dinner, I was sitting in his room looking through some clothes I had just bought, and he started playing an unprompted game of peekaboo with me using one of the shirts and hangers. It was so cute! And, he was so proud of himself for doing this. Every day, he is growing so much, understanding more and more and learning about how everything works. It’s truly amazing to watch him grow and become such a sweet little man with his own personality — very different than his brother’s, I might also add.
Speaking of his brother…there is Tate. What a big boy he is becoming! We really have crossed a hurdle with his potty training as of the past week or two. He was really fighting us and not wanting to go potty (and he still is, to a point), but he is now wearing underwear full time (except nights) and we are making it through most days without many (if any) accidents. He doesn’t always want to go, but I can usually find a way to get him there with bribing or by giving one of his trucks or stuffed animals a voice. He responds very well to “other people” telling him what he should do. And if all else fails, I just fake a cry. He usually responds to me crying and wants to do anything to stop me. I know, that is sick. But, hey…you gotta do what works!
In addition to his potty success, he is growing into such a boy in so many ways. He speaks clear, full sentences and understands complex things now. He was quite intrigued and saddened when a bird hit our neighbor’s window and died on the ground, for instance. He also understood this past visit when my parents and sister/her family came to see us.
I am also noticing that he is understanding more and more about socializing with other kids and that he is missing out when he is at home and wants to be around more people to play with. Gone are the days when we were all he needed.
This coming Wednesday (3/28), we are leaving to go to Austria for the first time since Tate has been born. We are so thrilled that they will get to meet their family and all of our close friends. I just hope it is a smooth sailing trip!
Tate is realllllly into monster trucks right now. So much so that it is all he talks about. Hot Wheels came out with these monster truck figures that have really cool moving wheels. Tate is all about that and pretty motivated to potty by them too.
I love these boys with all my heart. They are so funny and amazing…and might I also add, handsome little fellas too!
by Amy | Mar 24, 2012 | mama confessions
This post was half-written yesterday and never finished and published, but I think it’s relevant and I’d like to go ahead and postdate it and publish it today:
Since I can remember, I have always kept a prayer journal. I have a hard time focusing on praying and remembering everything I want to say, so writing has always been my method of choice for communicating, writing down my thoughts, making lists, etc… I love to write! It’s also nice, because I can go back to the prayers I’ve written and see answers to those prayers. Sometimes the prayers are merely an outpouring of my inner thoughts and sometimes they are desperate pleas for peace about difficult decisions or something in my life that needs to be sorted through or filtered out.
I don’t normally include my prayers on this blog, but today I desperately need to pray, and I think this will be my only opportunity.
Mind you, while I attempt to type this, I have a 10 month old pulling at the screen on my laptop and a 3-year-old jumping around me trying to get my attention. Today, I’m literally fighting for a chance to pray and I’m losing.
So here goes…quickly:
Dear Lord,
I am losing it! (ha) I so desperately want some time to myself and it was working out for a little while. I could take the boys and drop them off at the childcare place at the gym or I would sneak away for an hour while Thomas was still home and do something on my own. But now, for some reason, my child won’t stay in the child care and Thomas has meetings in the morning and can’t stick around to watch them. I’ve tried hiring sitters and taking some control back in my life by having some help. The problem is, if the sitter is here and I am here, the kids know where to find me. If I leave, I inevitably end up driving around and wasting this precious time I’m paying someone for. Anyone who tells you that finding help with small children is easy either hasn’t done it before or has wonderful parents close-by to help them on a whim. We have neither of our parents here in Austin, so finding good help and being able to afford for them to come on a regular basis is a tricky thing. It’s also hard to have help come to your house — esp. if you want to get anything done IN the house while they are there.
As I type this, I hear my husband freaking out because he has to hurry up and get ready. But, if I don’t type this, I risk having a prayer left undone. I need this prayer. I need this moment. So, am I selfish for needing this?
I don’t think I’m selfish, but everyone around me seems to think so. The kids give me this longing and desperate look that says, “You’re selfish” when I walk into another room or leave for a few minutes to do something that every person who isn’t imprisoned is entitled to — like, for instance, a shower…or a chance to pee without feeling rushed because the world might fall apart and children might accidentally choke or kill each other while you take that precious 25 seconds to run to the bathroom. My husband unknowingly says, “You’re selfish” when he complains about how long I was gone and how much he needs to get done. So what gives? How does one strike a balance??? Are mothers merely supposed to be unselfish and die quietly to themselves and everything they want and need out of life to raise happy, healthy children and keep a peaceful household?
I know that, for generations upon generations, mothers have always sacrificed themselves to raise their families. Many women have done this without complaint or any thought given to what they were giving up. I’m not like that. Does that make me selfish? I don’t want to be. I don’t want my kids or my husband thinking that I’m always putting myself first. But, I need oxygen sometimes. I need to be able to think clearly and do things that make me feel fulfilled outside of being a mother. What are those things? Hmmm…I don’t know. I’m a creative being, so I like to be able to create things and contemplate new ideas. That charges me positively.
Anyway, Lord…I pray that you would just help me to find some time to myself on a regular basis where I can recharge. I need it. I know it’s not rocket science, but I feel like I have to fight so hard for it to happen.
Thank you for helping me figure this out and regain a sense of balance in my life. Amen
Now…fastforward to today. I didn’t wake up with quite the need I had yesterday to have time to myself. Not every day am I irritated beyond belief that my kids are hanging on me, violating my personal space and asking me to sacrifice my sanity for their entertainment. However, I did, for the 5th time this week, plan to go to the gym to work out this morning and it didn’t happen. And let me tell you, it didn’t happen from lack of motivation or want. Man, I wish I could have wanted to work out this bad when I didn’t have children or anyone else to distract me and sabotage my efforts! lol Nope. I tried so hard to get to that gym. But, guess what? It didn’t happen because my husband had to take our minivan to the dealer to have some things looked at, and although he willingly took our two kids with him so that I could go to the gym (after I threw a fit about not getting to go ALL week), I wasn’t even close to being dressed to go at 8:15am when my class starts. On top of that, we had workers on their way to our house to finish up their job from yesterday, so I had to be here to let them in.
I will say, however, that I’m grateful for that little tiny chunk of time where I was able to shower without worrying that my son was possibly in another room wetting his pants or hearing my youngest grow increasingly impatient while I shave my legs. It was better than yoga to be able to walk through every room in my house and put things away quickly without having to carry a 23 lb baby around or leave him in a room and hear him cry because I left him. I needed that small chunk of time. It wasn’t a pedicure. It wasn’t a work out. But it was MY time. And I needed it.
I have to say, it’s really been funny how hard I’ve tried to make things happen lately — like making time for myself and working out and scheduling breaks, and it’s still a huge effort and a miracle when it all comes together, and truthfully, on most days, it doesn’t really come together at all. I feel like the stars have to align just right so that I can leave the house or get a moment to myself in order to accomplish anything productive. And, you know what? That’s OK. I keep telling myself that one day, in the not so distant future, I will have the whole house to myself while the kids are off to school, and I will probably sit with a cup of coffee gazing out the window with a tear in my eye remembering these days I’m living out right now. These are good days. Really good days. This is the sweetest, most satisfying job I’ve ever done. In fact, no matter how much a mother of young children might complain about sleep deprivation or overall frustration and exhaustion, she also realizes deep down that she is living out the best times of her life.
So, here’s my prayer for today:
Dear Lord,
Thank you SO much for loving me so much that you gave me such a beautiful, sweet little family. I know that there are days (like yesterday) when everything is more than I can handle, but I’m so grateful for what I have. You have entrusted me with these precious little boys, and I want to be the best Mommy I can be for them. Not only that, but I want to be the best wife I can be to my wonderful husband as well. Forgive me for taking things for granted. For being impatient and irritable. Forgive me for being grouchy when I don’t get to do what I want to do with my day. Help me to realize that these days are precious and few and cannot be redone. There will only be so many times my son will sit on my lap and listen to me read him a book and look through the pages before he learns to read himself and wants to be left alone when he reads. There will only be so many times that my baby bobs his head on and off my chest looking for food before he realizes that there are more promising and fulfilling sources for food out there than what I have to offer him. There will only be so many times where I get to help my son sit down on the toilet to go potty before he learns how to do it himself and doesn’t want me in there with him ever again! There will only be so many times that my baby plays peekaboo with me with such delight before he realizes that there are other things more thrilling in this world. These days…however long they may often seem…are numbered. If there has ever been a difficult concept to grasp, it is this one. Everyone who has experienced watching their children grow so quickly will tell you to cherish every moment. However, most of us who are in the thick of it get tired of hearing that. It’s like a married person telling a single person to enjoy their life while they’re single; or better yet, a couple with children telling a couple who desperately wants children but can’t have them to enjoy their freedom and sleep. We never really understand concepts like these until we’ve gone through it ourselves. But, the problem with this, Lord, is that I don’t want to grasp this when it’s all over and done. I want to get it NOW and not have any regrets when I pull up to the Kindergarten door, the graduation auditorium or the college dorm. I want to know that I was there for my kids and loved on them and squeezed their fat baby feet and held them and loved them and kissed them and tickled them and lived this life with them to its fullest. But, right now, I can’t know that because I’m just craving a break, a full night of sleep or a minute to check my computer.
Lord, help us to grasp what we have right now while we have it. Help us to not always want what we can’t have, but to want what we’ve got. For this, I believe, is the true key to happiness.
Thank you and AMEN!
by Amy | Mar 20, 2012 | mama confessions
Today is one of those days where you wonder how you make it through all the other days without going nuts. It has been a relatively good day, but only because I succumbed to the notion that nothing would be accomplished — nothing, that is, that needs to be done. You see, I have a now 10-month-old who doesn’t really settle into sleep for a long period until after 11pm. I have tried putting him down at every hour, but he always wakes up after 30-45 minutes needing to be put back to sleep again. Some books tell you to “night parent” your child to sleep until he reaches an age where he is able to go to sleep and stay asleep. With my first child, I fell into this category because I had the energy to do so. With this child, I am more and more tempted to follow the other trains of thought that suggest that we let him cry himself to sleep — whether that takes 10, 15, 25 minutes or even an hour. I have tried this method here in the past but one of us has never been able to make it longer than 15 minutes. On top of that, now we have another child who is disturbed by the howling, so we are always drawn to hushing his cries and coaxing him back to sleep. Where was I going with this?
Yeah, so I’m not getting much sleep (that’s a given), but I’m also not getting anything done or having any down time to myself. It’s frustrating, but I’m dealing with it by merely giving in to being unproductive. Whatevs.
Anyway…I hope everyone else is having a fabulous day. I thought I had more to write than this, but as it turns out, I don’t. My head is spinning with a trillion things I need to do before we head off to Austria next week. I’m very excited about our trip, but also a bit anxious too. I always obsess about every detail. What clothes should we bring? How will the kids do with the time change? Should we bring a DVD player on the plane? Or should we just bring our laptop? I just went to Target and spent wayyyyy too much money on miscellaneous items — travel sized crap, organic baby food, overnight diapers, Cheerios, enough chocolate Easter crap to last us this year and next, odds and end stuff for people there (I am trying to keep our gift giving to a minimum as this could get OUT OF HAND quickly!) Geez!
Now my two boys are asleep and I’m typing this. What am I doing?
by Amy | Mar 4, 2012 | mama confessions, Uncategorized
We had a great day today. We got up this morning and I made breakfast tacos. Daddy continued to work on the tile in the front hallway (even though he had a bad back that was nearly killing him). Tate played quietly most of the day while Julian followed behind. I went to the gym and picked up a couple of bargains at a garage sale on the way home. When I got back, I made the boys lunch and we went outside to play. Tate road his tricycle and scooter around and had fun while Julian and I cheered him on by yelling, “On your mark, get set, GO!!!” and then he would race down the driveway. After that, we all piled in the car, and I took the boys up to get the car washed. When we got out, Tate came around the side where I was opening the door to get Julian out and bumped his head. He didn’t cry, although he wanted to. It looked like it hurt. He even fell over from the door hitting him. Poor little guy! He now has a red bump on his eye brow. Hope it goes away tmw. After we got out of the car, we headed next door to sonic and got an ice cream while we waited on our car to be cleaned. It was a lot of fun. Julian especially enjoyed the ice cream. Tate had a few bites, but was more interested in the BIG HUGE MONSTER TRUCK sitting in front of us and wanted to eat the peppermints they gave us. After we finished, we headed back to the car wash and picked up our car. It looked so nice and clean. I told Tate we needed to do our best to keep the car clean and he seemed really interested in helping me do that. We’ll see how long that lasts.
Fortunately, they both fell asleep on the way home, and I was able to run inside and get Thomas and we headed out to a birthday party for a friend’s 4 year old son. The boys slept while I ran into Target and bought the present. when we got to the party, there was a bouncy house. Tate normally hates those, but this time he really enjoyed himself. We had pizza and cake and Tate thoroughly enjoyed playing with the toys and watching the clown. Julian immediately went for the crust of my pizza and was thoroughly content sitting and chewing on it for what seemed like an eternity. Tate got a motorcycle made out of a balloon from the clown and that really impressed him. The clown asked him if wanted to have his face painted, and he said “Yes” and sat down in the chair. I knew that wouldn’t last long. After the clown got all of the make up on Tate’s face, Tate’s lips puckered and he ran to me bawling and trying to rub it off. We had to quickly run upstairs and attempt to get all the face paint off to avoid a scene. It came off rather easily. Julian was really tired, but with all the hoopla, there was no way I would have been able to get him to sleep, so I kept having to carry him around. He finally settled down when he noticed the helium balloons in the air. He began to play with one and it was so cute. He had so much fun grabbing that balloon and was completely entertained. He has been super fussy lately with a really runny nose and lots of congestion, so it was nice to see hiim in good spirits.
On the way home, both boys played with their balloons in the back seats until Julian started to fuss because he was so tired. Tate finally looked over at him and said, “Julian! Just stop crying and take a nap!” lol
All in all, it was a really nice day. I hope Thomas’s back feels better tmw. The boys continue to grow more and more each day and I am amazed at their personalities. I love them so much!
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